Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What does Racial Harmony means to you?

It means that all races come together, and celebrate this festival . It is a very important festival or event , as we can learn allot of things like about the other races , what festival do they celebrate , or what do they need to do . As what happened on Monday , we said the pledge in Chinese, which many people enjoyed saying it . Although there are people laughing at the same time , but the majority of the people did not laugh and they did say it . I felt that we should do this more often , not only on Racial Harmony Day, so that everyone could remember it in our hearts .
Racial Harmony Day also important since 1964 , the last Racial riot we had , races harming each other which took many lives. The leader of Singapore have stop this from happening,as to remember this day , we have this day called Racial Harmony Day. On Monday , rise lesson, we have to write a pledge on our own ,and get to pick the best of all .
So , to prevent the next racial riot from happen , we should try to be more forgiving , or we can give in to others . Since Singapore is actually a role model to the other countries , as we could live in peace and harmony though we are of the other races as others.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Title: 'Which step should i go next ?'

Caption : Every step you make brings you closer to your downfall .

Title: Chinese Temple

Caption : A traditional chinese temple , which attracts tourist to visit

Title :Memorable Memories in a portrait

Caption : A memorable picture placed outside the shop , which attracts us to take a quick look

Title : Business ?

Caption : A woman staring in to space , waiting for business

Title: A amall gathering

Caption: Lots of elderly gathering at this area , enjoying themselves .

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Esthetic Festival

By: Emily Tan(1E4) and Noelle Tham(2E1)

During the Esthetic Fest, sand animation was one of the many programmes that were offered to the lower secondary students. During the activity, the students were given sand and white cardboard to 'draw' their masterpieces and can choose to draw stuff based on the themes of their choice. For example, sports and underwater world. Instead of using the regular cardboard, the instructor used an A4 sized clear plastic piece with lights at the bottom to show the students some of the examples. Overall, the activity was interesting and enriching and the students have enjoyed and learned a lot from it. We asked one of the students on their views.

"I feel that we should have more of these programs in future."

Anime Art: Another of the programmes during the esthetics fest was the Anime Art. During the program, the students learn how to draw Japanese anime characters and draw out any character of their choices during the last period of the program. It was actually not as easy as the sand animation as a lot of details are put into the drawings. The students then presented their anime characters that they have drawn to the class.

China town

Family photo long ago way back in time

It shows a very tall building , the lanterns hanging on the line , is like a frame

The tiles on the floor are very different making it unique

This picture shows a men deeply in thought , he seems to enjoy!